Sunday, September 14, 2014

'Frozen' in ABC's Once Upon A Time

(Picture from OUAT's Facebook Page)

Okay, so I've been gone for a while but I'll make a comeback by posting about one of my favorite TV Show's: ABC's Once Upon A Time. Now, what you're about to read, is my opinion and you have the right to agree or disagree.  Also, I must warn that if you haven't caught up with the show, then, yes....there will be spoilers (minor), so continue on if you dare!

Last season, I was pretty stoked and excited to see that Elsa appeared out of the bottle, right at that moment, looking fabulous. However, after a while, a lot of hyped has developed, and I started processing the idea of Frozen and trying to understand how Elsa, Ana, and the other Frozen characters will tie in with the original cast and the story that we all ready have so far. Here's a quick recap: 

Emma Swan and Hook traveled back into the past when Regina was evil, however, Emma made an idiot move and brought back a woman from the past that Regina was supposed to kill. As they arrived in Storybrooke, in current time, it turns out the woman that Emma had saved, was Robin Hood's wife!! Regina and Robin Hood were falling in love but now that his wife is back, this ruined Regina's happy ending and by the way she looked, she was ready to turn evil again. 

 "You're just like you're mother."

Anyways, back to Frozen...

I love the movie, I do, I do! But I feel like Disney is pushing it a little too far now. You see, I feel like the show was a great way to bring older fairytale characters back into the light, and with all of the different plot twists, made them, and even the story, more phenomenal. I understand that adding these new characters to OUAT, is actually a smart move and will bring in more viewers due to how much Frozen had escalated. However, I can't seem to "let it go" because I fear that Frozen will take over the original characters and plot line and maybe cause the original story to drift. 

Due to my love for the show and how I enjoy the writing and creativity, I'll try to allow myself to keep an open mind because so far, the show hasn't disappointed me...yet. Sure, the show has it's flaws, but what show doesn't? Also, it's really great to see the Frozen characters come to life in Storybrooke, and I'm not going to complain about that. Let's just hope that, the results won't leave me with a frozen heart for the show.

How do you feel about the Frozen characters coming to life in Storybrooke? Is it too much? Do you think it will be a grand success? I'm eager to know what others think about this.

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